Welcome to KYBELE

With synergy & sympathy we create tailor-made solutions for your company.

We support you in your transformation process to become a sustainable and future-oriented company.

This process requires a common understanding, accompanying the transformation and an honest exchange. We do not offer a “one size fits all” approach. We see ourselves as enablers and initiators for your company with your specific challenges and develop the right answers together. The human dimension is particularly important to us. Because there are people behind strategies and processes.

Our conviction

It is time for us humans to do business in a way that promotes the well-being of all people and respects nature – in all parts of the world. An economic system that is committed to building and strengthening instead of destroying.

“Anchor future thinking, continuously give impulses to enable our partners to do it themselves.”

Our sustainability consulting approach:

1. Determination of
the right fields of action

2. Development of a vision and strong "purpose”

3. Introduction of a sustainability management

4. Anchoring the sustainability strategy in your corporate culture

5. Measurement of progress and communication of success

KYBELE · Sustainability Consulting